Minding Your MenTal Health

Sarah Corcoran

Blog Writer

Tips To Mind your Mental Health.

Covid 19 and the impact it has had on the world is something we never anticipated and something we could have never prepared for. We continue to suffer majorly as a country, a society and as individuals. It is ok to feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and worried in trying times like these but the important thing is how we deal with these emotions. Some people might find this time more worrying than others and may need some extra support, in which case you should call your local health service or your GP or confide in a trusted family member or friend. Keep reading for some positive things we can do to help to keep balance in our lives and mind our mental health.

Keep active:

If you have been laid off work, you’ll find yourself with a lot of extra time with a lot less activity to keep you busy. Studies have proven that a helpful way to maintain good mental health is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Exercise in any form gives your body and mind a challenge. It raises your heart rate, increases circulation and strengthens muscles and joints that would otherwise go unused. It’s also an escape from the mundane indoor life we find ourselves in now. Start small with a brisk walk each day within your allowed KM restrictions and graduate to jogging, yoga or online fitness classes. There are plenty of great online resources and app available for building an exercise route. Couch To 5K is a running app and podcast for beginners that has proven popular. 

Keep In Touch

The one thing we are missing most, as well as shopping, pubs and holidays of course, is contact with our friends and family. Right now, we are not allowed to have any close contact with people outside of our household, which has been tough for friends, parents, siblings and grandparents. Isolation can have a detrimental effect on our mental health, so it is important to keep in touch with our loved ones digitally.

You can call, write letters or emails, use social media or video call those you love to keep in touch, making sure both your and their mental health is good. You don’t have to have serious conversations, just hearing a caring voice can lift your mood and remind you that we are all in this together and by working together we can get past this.

Keep A ROutine

For many of us, especially those with children or those who have been laid off work, our usual routines are a thing of the past. Routines can help to lower stress levels, make anxiety more easily managed and keep a much-needed structure to your day. You should set yourself a time to get up and go to bed, set out mealtimes, schedule in some exercise – no matter how much or little you do – and most importantly, schedule some down time. Do something just for you that makes you happy. Routines are also especially important for children. The can bring some comfort and consistency in trying times like these.

EAT Well

It’s no surprise that when we feel stressed or anxious, our eating habits are usually the first thing to suffer. Staying at home or having our usual routines turned upside down usually means eating for comfort and convenience rather than fueling our bodies. 

Eating well has never been more important as we prime our bodies to potentially fight off a deadly virus. Eating junk food, excessive snacking and less movement is sure to make us feel sluggish, tired and drain us of energy. Try to plan meals in advance, making healthy meal and snack choices and encouraging our children to do the same. Food is our bodies best chance to prepare our immune systems for whatever may come. 


Give Yourself a Break!

Social media is both a blessing and a curse to society. On the one hand, it connects us no matter where we are and it’s a great way to keep up to date with news. On the other, it creates an unrealistic expectation of an ideal life, encourages unhealthy productivity comparisons and there can be a lot of negativity & criticism from peers who are often nameless.

If you are consuming more social media than usual and find yourself feeling down afterwards, you are not alone. Give yourself a break from the noise and switch off from social media a few days a week. It will still be there when you come back. Many devices and apps have the ability to track time spent and show can you how much time you are spending daily and weekly. While it might be something we don’t wish to see, seeing the data staring back of you can be just what you need to unplug and give yourself a true break during this time.


Premier Business Centers are here for our clients throughout the pandemic and will still be here when things get back to normal. If we can help you with our virtual office service, help you start your business in a serviced office in Dublin or Kildare or if you would like to talk to someone about what’s best for your business, please call Therese today on 086 600 1238. Take care.

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